
A Free Online Bachelor’s Level Biology Education

March 3, 2016

Could it be possible to put together the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in Biology entirely through free massively open online courses (MOOCs) offered by top tier universities? Lately I’ve entertained ideas of going back to school for a PhD in Biology. Most programs require that you have the equivalent of a B.S. in Biology, …

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Coursera Review: The MOOC Experience

November 23, 2014

Nearly three months ago I disappeared from public life. And the reason is Coursera. One of my pet obsessions these days is the microbiome and when co-founder of American Gut, Rob Knight, announced that they were organizing a class on the microbiome I knew I had to be there. It was to be hosted by …

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What Do You Really Know about GMOs?

March 20, 2014

“GMO” is a heavily loaded term. Are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) the savior and solution to the problem of feeding 9 billion people that marketing departments at companies like Monsanto and Pioneer portray them to be? Are unsafe and unhealthy GMO foods being released onto the unsuspecting public in a mass uncontrolled experiment? What do …

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Genealogy 101: Rediscovering Lost Family History

October 24, 2013

What country did my ancestors come from? Were there any famous people in my family tree? Was great-great-great grandma a full blooded Cherokee? Gaining deeper insight into those that came before us gives us deeper insight into ourselves. Even if much of the time you think your ancestors are just a bunch of old dead …

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23andMe Review: Unzipping Your Genes

July 30, 2013

[NOTE: This review is based on the pre-Nov. 22, 2013 version of 23andMe. The version of 23andMe made available after FDA approval in 2015 differs in some respects, but much of what I say here still applies.] When big stories splash across the news like Angelina Jolie deciding to get a double mastectomy (i.e., cut off …

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