Fixing Problems vs. Building On Success

July 12, 2011

Are you a problem fixer? Most of us approach the challenges of life with a mentality that I call “problem-fix.” In short, your method for tackling challenges is to become really good at diagnosing problems and then fixing them. You might show up to work in the morning and there are already a pile of …

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Chance Encounters: How to Be Excellent in Front of Others

July 3, 2011

From time to time in our lives we have chance encounters with acquaintances or are somehow drawn into conversation with strangers. Even if you have positive feelings towards the other person, these chance encounters can be awkward and uncomfortable. You might find that you don’t really know what to say. Oddly, everyone except you seems …

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Life On Purpose: Overcoming Internal Friction

June 24, 2011

Previously I wrote about how we often mis-identify our life purposes, and how to create a life purpose statement that emphasizes what you want to experience as a context to shape what you do. It would be great if once you’d clarified your life purpose and crystallized it into a statement if it emboldened you …

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Life On Purpose: Creating a Life Purpose Statement

June 13, 2011

How would your life be different if you had a crystal clear life purpose? Would you wake up in the morning excited to tackle it? Would it give you the strength to push through and achieve it no matter what, because you knew it’s what you were destined to do? I sure thought so, but …

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How to Not Get Blindsided by Unexpected Setbacks

June 9, 2011

Whenever you take on a new challenge, you always start off with a blissfully naive sense of optimism that everything you do is going to work and that you’re going to be massively successful. New businesses, new jobs, diet and exercise programs, and even new relationships all start that way. But then inevitably you encounter …

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Niche Businesses: What’s the Right Size?

June 6, 2011

Starting an internet based business is the most straightforward path to escaping the 9 to 5 and being able to live anywhere you want on your own terms. The first thing anyone tells you about starting an online business, especially an info business or a blog, is that you have to choose a niche. You …

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